[LINK] NBN Wireless?

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Feb 6 17:50:09 AEDT 2013

Bernard, and we other Linkers, opinion ..

> quantum leap <-> step change.

Yes, point taken. Some incorrectly use it to signify a large leap, and
others refer to a discrete step, though not necessarily non-reversible
(electrons alter energy levels continuously, in changing environments)

Here's two definitions, one literally incorrect, and the other correct.

Wrong: <http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=quantum%20leap>

•S: (n) quantum leap, quantum jump (a sudden large increase or 
advance) "this may not insure success but it will represent a quantum 
leap from last summer"

Right: <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quantum+leap>

An abrupt change or step, especially in method, information, or 
knowledge: "War was going to take a quantum leap; it would never be the 
same" (Garry Wills).

And, for a perspective with a bit each way ..


A word that can mean the opposite of itself is a contranym.


bound (bound for Chicago, moving) 
bound (tied up, unable to move)

cleave (to cut apart) 
cleave (to seal together)

buckle (buckle your pants -- to hold together) 
buckle (knees buckled -- to collapse, fall aprt)

citation (award for good behavior) 
citation (penalty for bad behavior)

clip (attach to) 
clip (cut off from)

cut (get into a line) 
cut (get out of a class)

dust (remove dust) 
dust (apply dust -- fingerprints)

fast (moving rapidly) 
fast (fixed in position)

left (remaining) 
left (having gone)

literally (literally) 
literally (figuratively)

moot (arguable) 
moot (not worthy of argument)

oversight (watchful control) 
oversight (something not noticed)

They are also known as antagonyms or autoantonyms"


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