[LINK] It's cheaper to fly to the USA than buy Adobe CS6 in Australia (was Re: sigh

John Hilvert john.hilvert at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 00:21:29 AEDT 2013

A more efficient solution is to use Price USA per

Owned and operated by Dr Carolina Tillett based in Bendigo, Vic she start
PriceUSA to let Australians buy from any USA store at a reasonable price.
She's been been running Price USA for more than five years with the help of
my USA partners.

I used them to save money on the latest versions of Fireworks and

As long as the software install does not check for your IP address when
registering to activate fully (does not seem to require this for any Adobe
product I've purchased so far), it's all good.

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:03 PM, Kim Holburn <kim at holburn.net> wrote:

> http://www.neowin.net/news/its-cheaper-to-fly-to-the-usa-than-buy-adobe-cs6-in-australia
> >It's cheaper to fly to the USA than buy Adobe CS6 in Australia
> --
> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
> Ph: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
> mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
> skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request
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John Hilvert

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