[LINK] Alternatives to Skype

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 12:54:23 AEDT 2013

Thanks Karl,

Are some of these available on domestic modem/routers?  I am looking at turing on IPv6 at home but my home router only seems to do the MAC address thing.


On 2013/Feb/16, at 12:39 PM, Karl Auer wrote:

> On Sat, 2013-02-16 at 12:10 +1100, Kim Holburn wrote:
>> The NAT issue might be fixable using IPv6 but we don't seem to have
>> IPv6 to the home in general for various reasons.  Having live IPv6
>> endpoint addresses on the internet may mean some loss of privacy,
>> which can be important for dissidents to nasty regimes.  That is
>> probably surmountable but doesn't seem to have been addressed by the
>> people leading the IPv6 push. 
> Actually it has been *extensively* addressed (hah, pun) by "the people
> leading the IPv6 push". It is not only surmountable, it has been very
> thoroughly surmounted, and has been for many years.
> There are no less than six standard ways (and anyone can dream up
> whatever non-standard ways they like, harmlessly) of generating
> addresses on hosts, plus static addressing, of course. Of those five
> methods, only has built-in privacy concerns.
> - static addresses
> - DHCP addresses
> - MAC-based autoconfigured addresses
> - random addresses
> - random, changing addresses ("privary" addresses)
> - random "stable" addresses (always the same on the same network) 
> - cryptographically generated addresses
> If anyone wants the technical low-down I am happy to provide it (already
> been through it once on the provacy mailing list, and the situation has
> actually improved since then - privacy addresses are preferred
> (technical term) by default if in use, and "stable" addresses have been
> invented.
> Regards, K.
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)
> http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer
> http://www.biplane.com.au/blog
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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