[LINK] HANDS OFF NICK ROSS: Conroy warns the ABC and The Australian

grove at zeta.org.au grove at zeta.org.au
Tue Mar 12 14:59:13 AEDT 2013

yn Tue, 12 Mar 2013, Kim Holburn wrote:

> On 2013/Mar/12, at 10:36 AM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
>> Mmmm ...
>> The ABC of late seems to have trouble with distinguishing between science and opinion, fact and politics, technical realities and ideology. From what I've seen on Nick's articles on the NBN he's pointed out the huge technical disadvantages of mandating that fibre not be built to the network end-points ... and those disadvantages are manifestly obvious.
> I don't think this is an ABC problem.  I think it's a Murdoch problem.  The whole thing has been part of a long running campaign by the Murdoch press.  Don't they have a dog in that fight anyway?  FoxTel?

Has anyone seen this?
Scary stuff.   I don't usually believe in conspiracy theories, but this one is too close for me:



Rachel Polanskis                 Kingswood, Greater Western Sydney, Australia
grove at zeta.org.au                http://www.zeta.org.au/~grove/grove.html
 	The more an answer costs, the more respect it carries.

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