[LINK] HANDS OFF NICK ROSS: Conroy warns the ABC and The Australian

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Tue Mar 12 16:17:23 AEDT 2013

On 12/03/2013, at 2:02 PM, Kim Holburn <kim at holburn.net> wrote:

> On 2013/Mar/12, at 10:36 AM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
>> Mmmm ...
>> The ABC of late seems to have trouble with distinguishing between science and opinion, fact and politics, technical realities and ideology. From what I've seen on Nick's articles on the NBN he's pointed out the huge technical disadvantages of mandating that fibre not be built to the network end-points ... and those disadvantages are manifestly obvious.
> I don't think this is an ABC problem.  I think it's a Murdoch problem.  The whole thing has been part of a long running campaign by the Murdoch press.  Don't they have a dog in that fight anyway?  FoxTel?

Well, yeah .... but the relationship between Murdoch/News Ltd and the facts has always been pretty tenuous in any edition of the Australian, especially over the last ten to fifteen years, anyway. I don't expect anything remotely approaching the truth from Australian (or News Ltd generally) ... it's the Fox News of print media. Entertainment rather than news. Minimal credibility ... maximum adrenaline. It's a daily hoot rather than a news outlet. I mean ... look at the stellar cast they employ! (I won't get into details but most of the commentators and opinion hacks have, shall we say, less than illustrious academic backgrounds, a taste for alcohol and self abuse that makes legendary hacks look not so legendary, and egos the size of Australian states despite their deficits of journalistic and/or writing talent. These are people without integrity, credibility or even the faintest concept of veracity.)

Yesterday's people, languishing in yesterday's media, seeing out their time before they are subsumed by the new media that they are so hostile to. People who resent the fact that the common man now has a voice of their own, that they can express opinions in this new media that are widely divergent to their own ... a tired old commentariat of pointless opinionated hacks who have been so wrong on s many occasions on so many issues, trying to to prop up a well and truly dead business model on behalf of a media baron who would most likely throw them to the wolves in any circumstance that they threaten his bottom line (I mean this was his record in the UK and the States). There's no loyalty amongst thieves after all.

So, of course they're hostile to an NBN which is only going to hasten the downfall of the media outlets that their employer owns. It's natural that they'd do so.

No ... Murdoch is fast becoming an irrelevance.

I just expected more of the ABC. My point was that the ABC now prefers uninformed opinion to technical fact, if what's supposed to have happened to Nick Ross is in any way indicative of their current editorial policy.

Again ... just my 2 cents worth ...

>> Sure it's possible to penny-ante our way into a second rate network, hey ... we can penny ante out way into a  supremely second rate FTN network that works slower than the current copper network if Malcolm Turnbull really puts his mind to it ... a third rate network. WHilst we're at it, why not go for a fourth or fifth rate network ... fibre to the node, and carrier pidgeon from the node.
> -- 
> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
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