[LINK] Turnbull smoking something affecting his sanity over NBN

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Fri Mar 15 14:51:24 AEDT 2013

On 15/03/2013 9:54 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> [This is what got me: "it would be likely in my view, and it's not an
> uninformed view, to take over 20 years to complete, and a hundred
> billion dollars,'' Mr Turnbull said.]
> ...
No surprises there. The greater-than-usual-lying season has six months 
to run. The we'll return to the usual lying.

> ...
> ''We will speed up the roll out. We will deliver the completion of
> the NBN sooner and at less cost to the Commonwealth and therefore of
> course, it will be more affordable to users,'' he said.
> ...
At greater cost in the longer term, when we realise that we really do 
need FTTH. Any bets as to whether we're already there, even if most of 
us aren't aware of it?

David Boxall                    |  My figures are just as good
                                |  as any other figures.
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  I make them up myself, and they
                                |  always give me innocent pleasure.
                                |                     --HL Mencken

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