[LINK] Kansas City Google Fibre -- report

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 13:32:04 AEDT 2013

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Jan Whitaker <jwhit at janwhitaker.com> wrote:
> The other point the writer makes is
> that some parts of the Internet can do what the FTTH system in KC
> does. That's true assuming those other connects are 22Mbps or higher,
> but NOT for the majority at the lower average speeds of around 6Mbps
> in the US who do chase the ball along the grey line while watching
> Youtube vids.

The great difference in FTTH vs other technologies is UPSTREAM SPEEDS.
This makes a whole lot of difference about what you can do - run your
own web server, upload HD video, HD videoconferencing, backup to the
cloud, etcetera.

If the word ' upstream' is not even mentioned, the reader is going to
arrive to the wrong conclusions. FTTH is more than for ' fast
downloads' . It' s high 2:1 ratio between downstream and upstream is
unique to GPON*** and can' t be matched by asymmetric copper
technologies like xDSL* or DOCSIS 3.0**.

* ADSL2+ 1.4 Mbits upstream maximum
100-200Mbit symmetric with VDSL2 over short distances (0.5 km)

** 120 Mbps maximum upstream with 'upstream channel bonding'  vs
320Mpbs downstream speed. (all theoretical), with several limitations

*** 2.4 Gbps donwstream, 1.2 Gbps upstream

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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