[LINK] FTTN Cabinet vrs Four Wheel Drive

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sun May 12 00:46:00 AEST 2013

Here's what happens when a broadband FTTN roadside cabinet is hit by a 4WD.


"A FTTN cabinet in New Zealand that was hit by a car and kept working"

Kiwi tech community Geekzone yesterday noticed that a car (probably a four-
wheel drive) ran into a FTTN cabinet used by Kiwi Telco Chorus to deliver 
its Whisper service. 

New Zealand's National Business Review now reports that the cabinet kept 
working for hours after the incident, with Chorus spokes-singers saying 
there was enough slack cable beneath the box that being knocked off its 
pedestal wasn't fatal. Nor did being cut off from its power source end 
service: an on-board battery kept connections alive and a replacement is 
due to go into service today.

Update: Further posts to the thread suggest internet service did not last 
for very long once the cabinet took the hit. Phone services also appear to 
have been disrupted ..

Ref: www.theregister.co.uk/2013/05/08/kiwi_fttn_cabinet_survives_car_crash/

Personally I can't understand how come the Coalition think that there will 
only be ONE user at each NBN household end point. It is obvious to me that
for each household only one user at any time will be an unusual situation.
In the evenings anyway it seems more likely that every person in each home
with an NBN connection would be utilizing it, majorly, especially kids and
Skype video-conferenced peer-study-groups. (Haha!) And why shouldn't they?


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