[LINK] Ffx: Still no bus model for quality jnalism

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Tue Aug 26 00:33:07 AEST 2014

Thanks for the thread Roger. It's indeed an important topic.

Somewhat related to the topic, the ABC Roast relates tonight
that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority is investigating allowing
passengers to use their electronic devices whilst their planes are
taking off and also flying. 

The Roast also opinion that this will cause the readership of In-Flight
magazines to quickly drop by  an-everyone-on-the-planet  percentage.
  Anyway, good on you Roger, BRD and Nick. You are indeed right. Also
one hopes such micro-payments are widely utilized & successful Nick.

BRD and Nick write,

> "It is important that model emerges as a result of extensive consumer
> trials and from endless communication between consumers and working
> professional, because the health of our democracy is so dependent on a
> strong and independent media."
> It just so happens that I'm making just such a thing for just such a
> reason. Hopefully will have more info on this shortly. In the meantime
> check out... http://www.nanotransactions.com/

Stephen Loosley


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