[LINK] Trends 2014
Janet Hawtin
janet at hawtin.net.au
Mon Jan 6 11:53:21 AEDT 2014
On 4 January 2014 13:12, Janet Hawtin <janet at hawtin.net.au> wrote:
> On 4 January 2014 12:10, Janet Hawtin <janet at hawtin.net.au> wrote:
>> On 4 January 2014 12:04, <stephen at melbpc.org.au> wrote:
>>> BRD writes,
>>> > > So, IT people will not only run machines anymore, but fundamentally
>>> > > gather accurate information
>>> >
>>> > That's where problems will come from.
>>> >
>>> > Most IT people are not used to dealing with data. Technology, yes,
>>> > information no .. Large collections of data are hard to protect ..
>>> Yes. It would seem, in future, that any group that collects data about
>>> the public should be required by law to employ a government accredited
>>> and certified person to be legally responsible for oversight of all the
>>> processes, uses-of and the secure maintenance of public-data collections.
Why does good process often end in a call for limiting work to favoured
It could be good if government and private users of data agreed to safe
Would it be useful to make available records of the legal jurisdictions the
data is held in and crosses;
the entities which own or control the data en route; Where in the process
encryption happens.
Sometimes a VPN or WAN might be the right kind of data storage/access.
Who does back up and recovery.
If all parties are thinking about these things the cloud could be a better
understood service
and good clouds could be identified and risks could be idntified before
they cause data leaks.
It might mean that all parties retain skiils on their own teams to check
that things are going safely
but the emphasis is on good practice rather than choosing people.
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