[LINK] SBS: The Age of Big Data

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Jan 6 20:22:48 AEDT 2014

Jim writes,

> It's interesting.. we now attempt high level "intelligence" tasks with
> neural networks and big data.  This parallels the change from thinking
> of the brain as mind -the cogito ergo sum persona- to seeing the brain
> as a massively parallel association processor ..

Or, big data could mean selling more burgers. 

EVERY McDonalds store in Australia offers free WiFi. 


So if you visit ANY McDonalds carrying your Android phone, with free WiFi
turned on, then both McDonalds and Google will know. It's simplistc stats
to know FOR SURE who visits, and when and what they buy. What idiot could
not devise sure-fire business sales-plans from this absolutely hard data?

There is little especially AI/neural-networkish about absolute hard-data
regarding customer behaviour. The data is simply times, dates, purchases.

And when the Google Cloud offers to collate this meta-data for McDonalds,
as to whom buys what, and when, that's collated big data. 

Hard big data. 

And it's certainly a no-brainer.

And, it's coming to every McDonalds near you.

There's absolutely nothing naive about behavioral hard-big-data. And zero 
guesswork & little chance of being wrong. This data is just fact and drop
dead easy to analyse. Analysed for targeting sales, and advertising plans.
The only issue is, how *granulated* personal bigdata is allowed to become.

For Android phone data-collection it can be smelling-your-undies personal. 

Imho, we want jail for dodgy personal big data use, and, privacy auditing.

>  Jan Whitaker wrote:
> > The Age Of Big Data
> >
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