[LINK] McAfee now "Intel Security"

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Tue Jan 14 14:40:54 AEDT 2014

To quote John McAfee on the change :

“I am now everlastingly grateful to Intel for freeing me from this terrible
association with the worst software on the planet. These are not my words,
but the words of millions of irate users,” he said, adding, “My elation at
Intel’s decision is beyond words.”


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 1:05 AM, <stephen at melbpc.org.au> wrote:

> Intel to scrap McAfee name, give away mobile security tools
>  (By the way, check out John McAfee today :-)
>   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKgf5PaBzyg)
> By Gregg Keizer (Computerworld (US))10 January, 2014
> http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/535674/intel_scrap_mcafee_name_give_away_m
> obile_security_tools/
> Intel this week said it would ditch the venerable McAfee brand for its
> security products and services, and offer free mobile security software to
> customers running Android, iOS and other operating systems on their
> smartphones and tablets.
> McAfee is one of the oldest brands in computer security, a name that's been
> in use most of the years since its 1987 founding, even as the company
> changed hands several times. But Intel wants to shed the brand this year
> for "Intel Security" in a staged roll-out as products update.
> "We aren't making the move lightly, we're not divorcing entirely," said
> Mike Fey, the CTO of McAfee in an interview this week, adding that Intel
> will retain the long-used logo, a red shield with the letter "M" dominant.
> "Outside the U.S., McAfee actually doesn't translate well, but Intel is
> [an] understood [brand]."
> Intel bought McAfee in 2010 in a deal valued at $7.7 billion. The
> acquisition was completed in February 2011.
> Fey denied that the name change had been triggered by the erratic behavior
> of its founder and namesake, John McAfee, who in 2012 made headlines after
> he fled Belize, where authorities wanted to question him in the death of
> his neighbor. McAfee turned up in Guatemala, and in December 2012
> authorities there expelled him back to the U.S. where he currently lives.
> Last year, John McAfee released an over-the-top profanity, sex and drug
> image-laced video (which has collected over 4.6 million viewings) where he
> blasted the software carrying his surname.
> In December, after talk of Intel changing its security brand surfaced, John
> McAfee pleaded on his website for help in making that happen. "I would be
> thrilled to finally free myself, my image, and my name," he said.
> After Intel's announcement this week, John McAfee tweeted, "To the company
> formerly known as McAfee: Thank you! Thank you!"
> It seems the feelings were mutual.
> "As an employee, I'm happy to separate," said Fey as he argued that buyers
> did not associate John McAfee with the company he started.
> Along with the name change, Intel also said it would give away a stand-
> alone mobile security product, whose name hasn't been finalized, to device
> owners.
> "We are bringing our award-winning security to every mobile device: phones,
> tablets, wearables," said Intel CEO Brian Krzanich this week at CES. "We
> want to bring this [mobile security] capability to everybody because we
> believe this is critical to enable this ecosystem."
> Krzanich said the software will be available for both the Intel and ARM
> processor architectures.
> "This is not some fremium strategy and it won't have ads," Fey said in his
> interview. "It really is a commitment that computing should be safe."
> While the details of the free offering weren't announced -- Fey said Intel
> is still working on the timing and even the composition of the deal -- the
> software will be stand-alone, full-featured and composed of current
> products or pieces of them.
> McAfee currently charges $30 annually for its Mobile Security package,
> which supports Android, BlackBerry, Symbian and Kindle Fire.
> "Most [mobile devices] are unprotected," said Fey. "That needs to change."
> Intel will be following other mobile security vendors in making its
> software free. San Francisco-based Lookout, for example, gives away its
> widely-used Android antivirus app to individuals, but charges businesses $5
> per device per month.
> "If we build a relationship [with a customer], we will find monetization
> down the road," said Fey, hinting at Intel's business model. "Providing a
> valuable service is good for us long term, and we want to be seen as the
> trusted security provider."
> In any case, Fey acknowledged, mobile device owners have been trained by
> app developers and the stores where they distribute their wares to be leery
> of all but the lowest-priced software. The prices that vendors charge for
> PC software, for instance, are simply impossible for mobiles. "It's not
> what the space is about, you have to think about [mobile] differently," Fey
> said.
> Lookout took Intel's move in stride.
> "We've expected other companies to take a similar approach, and look
> forward to seeing more companies prioritizing consumer safety in this
> digital world," said Lookout co-founder and CTO Kevin Mahaffey in an email
> Thursday.
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