[LINK] ICT Job Profiles

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Thu Jan 16 09:19:06 AEDT 2014

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) has released an "ICT Skills White 
Paper: Common ICT Job Profiles & Indicators of Skills Mobility" (30 
December 2013). This may be of interest for those designing training and 
education to help someone get from one job category to another: 

As an addition to its annual employment survey, last year the ACS asked 
respondents to select up to skills they use in their work section. The 
skills definitions they were provided with are from the Skills Framework 
for the Information Age (SFIA). The results were distilled down to 25 
ICT job descriptions, at five of SFIA's levels.

The top ten most common job categories, starting with the most common, were:

  1. ICT Consultant
  2. ICT Manager
  3. Software Engineer
  4. Database Administrator
  5. Project Manager
  6. Business Analyst
  7. ICT Architect
  8. Systems Administrator
  9. Analyst Programmer
10. Developer Programmer

The paper gives a one page summary for each of the 25 jobs.

Tom Worthington http://www.tomw.net.au
The Higher Education Whisperer http://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/

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