[LINK] Big Data - bad or otherwise

Janet Hawtin janet at hawtin.net.au
Fri Jan 17 18:36:45 AEDT 2014

On 17 January 2014 16:22, <stephen at melbpc.org.au> wrote:

> Janet writes,
> > <http://hackeducation.com/2013/02/10/inbloom-student-data-privacy-
> security-transparency/>

> So, as this link notes, the reasonably widely respected "do-good" Gates
> Foundation is now also involved in the creation/promotion of opensource
> education-data software infrastructures. <https://www.inbloom.org>

The only charity I know which collects (health) patents .. with minimised
I know I am a sceptic.  =)

> But, from personal experience, any such software for education could well
> be very useful. So time will tell if this is simply a grab for the entire
> education/school big data records of a generation of young people, or one
> useful, private & secure education record-keeping software infrastructure.

Education of students and their personal data reduced to statistics for
easy administration
sounds to me like a profit at the wrong end of the telescope and a loss at
the end of the student/family.

> Thus, I would suggest Aussie schools etc NOT jump on board quite just yet,
> as this link writer also 'suggests' regarding our children's edu-big-data.

> Haimson also cites concerns about privacy and security in the cloud, as
> schools move their data storage and servers from a local to a virtualized
> environment, pointing to inBloom’s privacy and security policies that state
> that the company “cannot guarantee the security of the information stored
> in inBloom or that the information will not be intercepted when it is being
> transmitted.” “I wonder if NY state and the other states involved realize
> that they may be vulnerable for multi-million dollar class action lawsuits
> if and when this highly sensitive data leaks out,” Haimson wrote in a
> recent blog post, “especially since Gates and inBloom appear to have
> disclaimed all responsibility for its safety.” ..

It is interesting where the liabilities fall.

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