[LINK] The Open Government Partnership

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Jan 20 16:25:41 AEDT 2014

Janet writes,

>> http://www.opengovpartnership.org
>> One must deplore Australia's achievements in embracing open government.
> This happened last year.
> http://www.govhack.org/

Yes, it's very old news for Link .. well organized and run by Pia Waugh.

She was a member of Link a while ago, (I think, still might be?) and, an
amazing and talented lady who does fantastic work. More than a few of we
Linkers have had lengthy correspondence with her on and off Link and are
totally impressed with all of her work for and with our Aussie government.

However .. she appears a candle in a forest of gloom, in terms of a truly 
open and online Australian government. Over many years, one is reasonably 
well aware of numbers of claims by various governments to present an OPEN
government. However, this invariably means presenting information regards
what that particular government is doing. It is NOT a two-way street with
much if any scope for a genuine involvement of the public.

The word 'open' entails a *both way* process & involvement by Australians
in terms of our country, and what we decide for our country in the future.

Now, the Internet can enable decision-making involvement, in a secure and 
timely fashion. But when did say your local member use it to reach out to
you for your ideas, and opinions? Ever? So, they all know what YOU think?

I doubt it.

And why not ask you?

We have the tools. True open governance is a two-way process. Trust folk
to be involved in what Australia does. Do not hide behind a 13th century
governing structure, with people sitting in the rain collecting petition
signatures in main street, for our government which will never read them.


Ps apologies for calling the current government bastards in my last post.
Respect for & between Aussies is essential, even if one is tired of them.

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