[LINK] The Open Government Partnership

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Jan 22 03:04:45 AEDT 2014

> >>> http://www.opengovpartnership.org
> >>>
> >>> One must deplore Australia's achievements embracing open government.
> >
> > Perhaps it would be good if there was a way to find the different
> > kinds of open (Gov) discussions .. it can be hard to find them.
> Very true. And a State and Federal 'directory' would be a fine start.

And today, here is *exactly* what I'm talking about ..

The Queensland Attorney General wants more *open government interactions*

This Attorney General is 32, (good on him!) and regarding new liquor laws
notes, "One element we feel hasn't been listened to enough, and should be 
given the opportunity to be listened to, is young people ... they need to 
have a say because what government regulates and what we do legislatively 
will impact on them."

Exactly, and even though the Queensland government "released a discussion 
paper on liquor licensing reform in February last year but is yet to make 
any decisions."

One will bet this original call for comments was well hidden on some Qld
Government obscure website, in a large wordy document replete with legal 
jargon, and, with entirely off-putting, formal procedures for responding. 

I bet no-one aged under 25 responded to their discussion paper. And they
are kidding themselves if the Qld Gov claims this was an open discussion.

Come on Australian governments! Get with the Internet, and, ask opinions!

Make it easy for us to know what you'd like to know. Actively seek ideas.  

When a young Aussie *Attorney General* feels we need more public opinion
for proper law making, and good governance, then by golly, I guess we do!


Ref: <http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/partygoers-must-have-say-

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