[LINK] The Open Government Partnership

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Jan 22 23:55:44 AEDT 2014

Janet writes,

> Air time doesn't necessarily mean something is usefully covered and
> decided on. Refugees are an issue (with secrecy currently making it
> worse) where discussion gets railed into fear and badness. If the
> government/opposition just needs the numbers it doesn't need informed
> debate, just likes. How do you make it interesting for them to commit
> to informed debate only to have a public with diverse thoughts and no
> binary result.

Haha, it seems that you're feeling a little politically pessimistic today?

Ahh well, there's always GetUp. A bit left-wing & green maybe, but active.

Quote https://www.getup.org.au/about  and now over half a million members:

"Political parties and institutional politics have too often failed to 
inspire the public or offer meaningful opportunities for participation. 

Despite years of economic good times, many Australians remain deeply 
concerned about the political direction of our country. 

It has not been a good decade for Australia's progressives - those of us 
who share a commitment to the values of social justice, cultural diversity, 
ecological sustainability and economic fairness. 

GetUp provides Australians with the tools to fight back, hold politicians 
accountable, and take innovative and effective action on important issues 
facing our country. 

GetUp is a ground-up movement of real people who are putting participation 
back into our democracy. 

Since its inception 7 years ago, the GetUp community has grown to include 
over half a million members who are not afraid to stand up and have their 
say about important progressive political issues, helping shape the 
direction of Australian politics. 

Together we've upheld civil liberties, fought for a free and unbiased 
media, ended the detention debt for refugees housed in detention centres, 
mounted a legal challenge to allow more Australians to vote, fought for 
mental health reform and in more recent times, endeavoured to promote 
corporate responsibility. 

GetUp is an independent, grass-roots community advocacy organisation which 
aims to build a more progressive Australia by giving everyday Australians 
the opportunity to get involved and hold politicians accountable on 
important issues."


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