[LINK] Our government does it again

David Boxall linkdb at boxall.name
Sun Oct 5 07:31:03 AEDT 2014

On 3/10/2014 4:11 PM, JanW wrote:
 > At 04:05 PM 3/10/2014, David Boxall wrote:
 >> If you're going to introduce a single point of failure, I reckon it's
 >> best to avoid the most stupid of mistakes.
 > Or have it be the first step in the process to avoid the rest of 
them. :-)
 > Jan
 > ...
I created an account with a .id.au address, then linked it to Medicare 
and the Tax Office. Online lodgment with the Tax Office depends on a 
linked myGov account, apparently.

I immediately got two messages in my myGov inbox. One was plain text 
from myGov; no problem there.

The other was from Medicare - a link to what is labelled as a pdf, but 
the link is like: 
which didn't work in Firefox 32.0.3 on Windows 7 64 bit.

I finally managed to download the file in Internet Explorer (it wouldn't 
just display in the browser). The file name is "Welcome Letter" (no 
extension). SumatraPDF read the file OK.

David Boxall                    |  Perfection is achieved, not when
                                |  there is nothing more to add, but
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  when there is nothing left to take
                                |  away.
                                            --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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