[LINK] The online men's shed

gr0ve gr0ve at exemail.com.au
Thu Feb 12 16:19:29 AEDT 2015

Hi Stephen,
I just visited the site using my shiny NBN
Connection and it was very responsive.
Does the problem only manifest when users are signed in?  It could be an authentication issue related to the method used by the webserver to supply logins.  Perhaps if the site uses a traditional htauth method from a htpasswd file located on the server and it has too many users in it, there could be a performance issue looking this up.  Otherwise if the user login is serviced from a Directory or Database, look and see if the user is being authenticated every time they load a page, usually this should only happen once and the HTTP remote user variable
set and access to the site satisfied.

Without signing up and logging in,
that is my first guess....


rachel polanskis
IT Consulting, UNIX & Macintosh
Greater Western Sydney
<gr0ve at exemail.com.au>

> On 12 Feb 2015, at 15:57, Stephen Loosley <stephenloosley at zoho.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A request for help regarding a very worthy but also very slow (eg, misbehaving?) website please? 
> Any and all suggestions for the volunteer website team would be gratefully accepted. Any ideas at all guys.
> The website http://www.theshedonline.org.au [] provides a fine service for the Australian community. It is primarily meant to be a free online men's shed, and does indeed appear to serve that purpose well. There are usually around 70-80 people logged-in, and more-so lately because they have started to 'advetise' on public radio  
> However, when there are more than 100 or so logged-in, things lately have been verry slow. Each page will eventually resolve, but maybe take 5 minutes. Most of their pages are 80-90% text, with a few small graphics, no ads and no flash. The site has a simple layout, the CSS would be minimal and their only tracking cookie is from google.  
> Please guys, what's going onwith this very worthy charity/non-profit website ?
> Note http://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/domain/theshedonline.org.au say: 
> Whois information
> Domain Name:                     theshedonline.org.au
> Last Modified:                   14-Jul-2014 23:37:48 UTC
> Registrar ID:                    PlanetDomain
> Registrar Name:                  PlanetDomain
> Status:                          ok
> Registrant:                      BEYOND BLUE LIMITED
> Eligibility Type:                Non-profit Organisation
> Eligibility Name:                BEYOND BLUE LIMITED
> Eligibility ID:                  ABN 87093865840
> Name Server:                     ns1.planetdomain.com
> Name Server:                     ns2.planetdomain.com
> DMOZ open directory
> Domain in directory    Yes in 1 category
> Regional > Oceania > Australia > Society and Culture > Men
> WOT Reputation
> Trustworthiness    Excellent (95/100)
> Child safety    Excellent (94/100)
> ------
> And, http://w3bin.com/ip_info/ say ..
> Trace report of IP:
> IP Hoster:    Micron21 Melbourne Datacentre
> IP Company:    Micron21 Melbourne Datacentre
> IP Server Location:    Melbourne, Australia
> IP GEO Location:    -37°48'50.4" North, 144°57'47.952" West [show on google maps]
> Reverse lookup of IP:
>    youthbeyondblue.com
>    justspeakup.com.au
>    theshedonline.org.au
>    beyondblue.org
>    bey

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