[LINK] Let's pause before drinking the 'coding in schools' Kool-Aid

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Sat Jun 6 10:25:37 AEST 2015

On 6/06/2015 9:07 AM, Tom Worthington wrote:
> But I am not sure how you teach or test "critical thinking".

The whole of the engineering profession is based upon critical thinking, 
with the addition of the theories that come from science.

Which is maybe why most engineering projects succeed while most large 
scale IT projects fail.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au
web:   www.drbrd.com
web:   www.problemsfirst.com
Blog:  www.problemsfirst.com/blog

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