[LINK] Asia
Stephen Loosley
stephenloosley at zoho.com
Wed May 20 18:00:59 AEST 2015
India and China etc are working quite hard at moving closer together.
Now we are becoming a major pivot point for the US in our area, while our neighbours are pivoting together elsewhere. Sure we're belatedly joining China's world bank, but also maybe missing out on joining the world's future big-boys club?
Meanwhile this government seems out of step with every country on climate change. This should make us very popular
"India and China move closer as Modi tours ‘Act East’ policy"
20th May 2015 https://theconversation.com/india-and-china-move-closer-as-modi-tours-act-east-policy-41954
This past week, Narendra Modi has visited China, Mongolia and South Korea. The Indian prime minister’s tour has demonstrated his nation’s diplomatic approach, which aims to maximise common interests. “Act East” are key words to understand the purpose of Modi’s tour.
During his Asia visits, Modi and his counterparts announced joint statements. These are extensive, ranging from political and security issues to culture, education and people-to-people exchanges. In China, two joint statements have been signed, including the Joint Statement on Climate Change. In addition, 24 agreements and MOUs have been inked between India and China, 13 with Mongolia and seven with South Korea ...
"Joint Statement on Climate Change between India and China during Prime Minister's visit to China"
May 15, 2015 (snip) http://www.mea.gov.in/bilateral-documents.htm?dtl/25238/Joint_Statement_on_Climate_Change_between_India_and_China_during_Prime_Ministers_visit_to_China
1. The Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People’s Republic of China recognize that climate change and its adverse effects are the common concern of mankind and one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century, which needs to be addressed through international cooperation in the context of sustainable development.
3. The Two Sides emphasize that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol are the most appropriate framework for international cooperation for addressing climate change ..
4. The Two Sides will work together, and with other Parties, to advance the multilateral negotiations to achieve a comprehensive, balanced, equitable and effective agreement under the UNFCCC in 2015, with a view to ensuring the full, effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC. In this context, the Two Sides express their full support for the success of the UN Climate Conference to be held in Paris, France (Paris Conference) this year.
6. The Two Sides stress the equal importance and urgency of implementing the outcomes of the Bali Road Map in order to increase the pre-2020 ambition and build mutual trust amongst countries. The Two Sides urged the developed countries to raise their pre-2020 emission reduction targets and honour their commitment to provide 100bn US dollars per year by 2020 to developing countries.
7. As the two biggest developing countries, India and China are undertaking ambitious actions domestically on combating climate change through plans, policies and measures on mitigation and adaptation despite the enormous scale of their challenges in terms of social and economic development and poverty eradication.
8. China and India are fully engaged in their domestic preparations for their respective intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) in the context of the 2015 agreement and will communicate their INDCs as early as possible and well before the Paris Conference.
9. The Two Sides believe that their bilateral partnership on climate change is mutually beneficial and contributes to the global efforts to address Climate Change.
In this regard, the Two Sides decide to enhance high-level bilateral dialogue on domestic climate policies and multilateral negotiations and to further strengthen practical bilateral cooperation, including in areas of clean energy technologies, energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transportation including electric vehicles, low-carbon urbanization and adaptation.
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