[LINK] NBN service accessibility [Was: web: The NBN satellite Malcolm Turnbull never wanted prepares for liftoff]

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Fri Sep 11 08:46:50 AEST 2015

On 08/09/15 20:27, David Boxall wrote:

> Back in the day, one selling point for the NBN was that every Australian
> would have access to services "comparable" to those in metropolitan
> areas. ...

The NBN may increase disadvantage for non-metropolitan areas which do 
not have fiber. This could happen if services are designed for fiber, so 
they then only work moderately well on terrestrial wireless and not at 
all on satellite links.

For those trying to sell a service to consumers, or to a government to 
provide to citizens, there is little value in designing for remote users 
as they have little money or political power. A better option would be 
to say this is being done for mobile users.

As an example, this term I am studying how to provide education via 
mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablet computers. I doubt that 
learning needs to be this mobile, but at least it will ensure that the 
IT requirements of the education services will be modest.

Tom Worthington FACS CP, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
The Higher Education Whisperer http://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Research School of Computer Science,
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/

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