[LINK] ABS 2016 Census

David Boxall linkdb at boxall.name
Tue Aug 2 12:06:42 AEST 2016

On 1/08/2016 3:17 PM, Brenda Aynsley wrote:
> ..."We are experiencing a large demand
> which the automated system cannot handle at the moment. ...
  = inept planning. They should have expected the number of calls that 
they're getting, then allowed for 50-100% more. It's not as if they're 
operating without prior experience. We do a census every five years for 
heaven's sake! Can't we afford adequate provisioning, once in five years?

My conclusion: a Conservative government trying to do the job cheaper 
than it can effectively be done.

David Boxall                    |  My figures are just as good
                                 |  as any other figures.
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  I make them up myself, and they
                                 |  always give me innocent pleasure.
                                 |                     --HL Mencken

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