[LINK] Telstra, our network and rural service

David Boxall linkdb at boxall.name
Tue Aug 9 09:13:42 AEST 2016

Testra is clearly not fit to be custodian of Australia's 
telecommunications network. What's the solution? I'd return to:
- public ownership of the infrastructure;
- a statutory commission to manage (maintain/develop/extend) the network 
and possibly;
- a pubic-sector retail service provider, to keep the private sector honest.

By the way, I've just had another Telstra rep. assure me that ADSL is 
available on my line (9km from a RIM). I'm stringing them along, just to 
find out how far they'll go.

> ...
> Tech FINALLY arrived on Friday.
> Just to recap... Approx 3 months ago, Telstra rang and said we could 
> now get ADSL on our line. I said no we can't. They said yes. Signed me 
> up to a $120 *special* that meant 1000gb, plus Telstra to etc etc. it 
> would take 2 weeks.
> Next day I discover my sister (in town) has same deal.... $99 as per 
> their online ad. Call them back. Oh I've got the premium service. What 
> does that give me? Tech help. Don't I already get that? Yes. So 
> difference? None that he could tell me. 'Downgrade' to $99 package.
> Phone call from nbnco to arrange installation of NBN satellite. I call 
> Telstra back to confirm ADSL etc. and cancel satellite installation 
> (while trembling in my boots).
> Fast toward 6 weeks and no modem. Ring them. They can't pinpoint 
> address is the problem. Sorted. Modem promptly arrives.
> But it's addressed to me, at boss's mother's house address. Call them. 
> They can't find why it's been sent to a (very) old address as this 
> number has been in my name for 2+years.
> No LAN connection. More wasted time on phone (cue screaming and 
> attention seeking children and increased BP). Nope, they can't work it 
> out. Need tech. But he can't come for two weeks.
> Day arrives along with text "be available from 9-12pm". I drive 50km 
> to be home (and 50km back to town in arvo). Tech is no show. I ring at 
> 12.30. Telstra employee (in Philippines) calls him (via who knows how 
> many channels) but he's not answering mobile. Tells me system says 
> he's dispatched so he will be there soon. At 4.30 I call again. He's 
> apparently MIA and he's still not answering mobile.
> I demand I be put through to complaints. Put on hold. Eventually told 
> she can't get through to complaints right now so as soon as she does 
> she'll ring me back.
> Eventually I receive a text message saying sorry for inconvenience. 
> Rescheduled for another 2 weeks time.
> That was Friday (by the way, Telstra tv device still hasn't arrived).
> Text says be home from 12-5pm. So I keep my son home from school as 
> the only way I can.
> Tech arrives. He doesn't even come in the gate. We can't get ADSL.
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Too far from exchange. *could* possibly do it but would be slower with 
> more dropouts than our current wifi service.
> Get NBN satellite he says.
> Two hour wait on phone for ISP now as installations are underway. In 
> fact I haven't even been able to get through to put us back on the 
> waiting list.
> Call Telstra to lodge complaint. They have trouble putting me through 
> so says she'll call back. She does but the department just cancels our 
> new plan and joyfully tells me that there will be no early termination 
> fee now! Oh and if we get a bill, don't pay it (really?), just call them.
> There. No surprise. But for the life of me I just can't seem to get a 
> complaint lodged, nor can I get an answer to 'where should I send the 
> invoice for MY time, kilometres and inconvenience?'.

David Boxall                    |  Dogs look up to us
                                 |  And cats look down on us
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  But pigs treat us as equals
                                                    --Winston Churchill

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