[LINK] Language please ...

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Fri Aug 19 18:49:42 AEST 2016

See: http://www.zdnet.com/article/my-health-record-dumb-and-useless-australian-privacy-foundation/

…. For some rather strong (but merited) language from our own BRD.

Pretty much EVERY digital health initiative over the last 20 years has come to the same sordid end - hamstrung from within and without by politics, incompetence and the old ‘solution in search of a problem’ syndrome … but they do keep trying. 

I know a few Linkers have been involved with these efforts over the last few years, and having worked (at the periphery) of government IT myself for a few years appreciate how things can, and most often do, disappear up the bureaucratic fundament in a disastrous implosion of time, money and effort on ever increasing numbers of government IT projects … but you'd think they would learn!

Just my 2 cents worth …

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