[LINK] Nick Ross has left the building

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Thu Jan 14 19:20:38 AEDT 2016


It’s undeniable that the NBN went right off the ABC’s topic list after early 2013.

My guess is that its inadvisable to lump your national broadcaster under the Communications Department banner and expect some objectivity of Communications Department issues.

The terrific thing is that when the NBN MTM vs fibre fiasco really hits the fan in a few years time, we’ll have so many to blame (‘Mr Broadband’, Abbott and his technological troglodytes, the MTM generally - who are unremittingly hostile to the new medium that has so messed up their business model, market economists and beancounters who were listened to rather than network engineers, scientists and other networking specialists etc. etc) that the ABC may be forgotten.

But we should remember how it abrogated its responsibility, and edited facts in favour of politics .. so I do hope it won’t come down with an ‘I am holier than thou’ line when it all hits the fan. By its conscious editorial omissions  the ABC made itself an integral part of the NBN problem and the looming fiasco, and it will deserve all the condemnation and blame that the others will get.

Just my 2 cents worth 
> On 14 Jan 2016, at 6:50 PM, Andy Farkas <andyf at andyit.com.au> wrote:
> So, yeah, seems the ABC has not been reporting about the NBN/MTM debacle 
> on purpose.
>  < 
> https://delimiter.com.au/2016/01/14/journo-claims-abc-gagged-his-nbn-coverage/>
> Hopefully Nick can now comment freely.
> -andyf
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