[LINK] Fibre signal losses and wireless

David Boxall linkdb at boxall.name
Fri Jul 1 20:08:37 AEST 2016

Hi all,

Optical networking was never my field, but something about this doesn't 
feel quite right. Can any Linker comment?
> Its about costs, if houses are too far apart, there will be too much 
> loss on the fibre to be splitting to every house to meet the current 
> contention ratios, this would mean that extra fibre will have to be 
> used to service these types of customers. ... Wireless is not a bad 
> solution, it is fixed, with antennas(so different to mobile) and can 
> service areas where population is more sprawled than in town centres. 
> Fibre has a 50% loss on every split(its a shared fibre to around 22 
> homes) so it becomes less viable and cost effective the further 
> residences get apart.

David Boxall                    |  A fool is certain;
                                 |  an ignorant fool,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  absolutely so.

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