[LINK] Distributed electricity generation

Gerard Borg Gerard.Borg at anu.edu.au
Mon Jul 11 16:43:38 AEST 2016

Hello Marghanita

It is interesting the benefits that decentralisation, distribution and scalablilty can bring

in many fields.

I believe that there is a similar approach to solar that could be adopted for wireless Internet
as discussed in the following presentation I gave a week ago at the 5G world summit.




In  cellular  networks, both  the  mobile  wireless spectrum  and  the
connection from  the base station  to the backhaul are  shared between
hundreds of clients in a cell.  This approach can never be scalable or
spectrally efficient. Cellular roll-outs to remote areas will normally
be uneconomical: especially in developing countries.  If our aim is to
bring broadband to the unconnected who are living in regional / remote
areas,  then a  different approach  is required.   We propose  a novel
wireless  access   network  based  on  a   scalable,  distributed  and
decentralised massive MIMO architecture.  This network can be deployed
cost-effectively  by  successively  connecting   base  stations  to  a
broadband  IP  point-of-interconnect  as  clients  are  added  to  the
network.  Long range links requiring sub-GHz bands can be economically
deployed and can provide each client  with full access to the wireless
spectrum  and  a dedicated  connection  to  the backhaul.   Given  the
increasing numbers of urban and regional townships connected to fibre,
such an approach could empower  local communities to wirelessly extend
their networks to isolated populations.

Gerard Borg
From: Link <link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au> on behalf of Marghanita da Cruz <marghanita at ramin.com.au>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 2:24 PM
To: Link at mailman.anu.edu.au
Subject: [LINK] Distributed electricity generation

An interesting Ocham's Razor yesterday morning:

*Peter Newman: *Solar power is not just coming, it's here, but what will
it mean to our centralised grids? Will it mean we won't need a grid?
Will we be able to live in splendid self sufficiency with the internet
and our own power? We now have an unlikely emerging demonstration city,
Perth, that is enabling us to learn something about distributed, rather
than centralised, generation. And in particular, to see a new phenomenon
we have called 'citizen utilities'. ...

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email:  marghanita at ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au

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