[LINK] Robot cars and the fear gap

David Lochrin dlochrin at key.net.au
Thu Jul 21 21:02:22 AEST 2016

On 2016-07-21 17:46 Brendan  wrote:

> While access to the source code would be good, I'm not sure it's all that relevant in court. If the car crashes when it ought not to have, they should be liable. The reason why it crashed is not to the point.

The legal question might revolve around whether the manufacturer exercised appropriate duty of care, but the definition of "appropriate duty of care" would probably be a legal minefield.  From the view of software engineering, a lot would hinge on the development methodology, the testing regime, and the formal risk analysis.

In the case of the recent fatal Tesla crash it would be really interesting to know whether the event is reproducible.

David L.

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