Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Thu May 5 16:34:37 AEST 2016

According to here:
The Health Department has been giving MBS/PBS data away for free. Now it
has decided to to charge

Medicare Benefits Schedule and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data –

This measure will enable the Department of Health to, for the first
time, charge for supplying external clients with customised Medicare
Benefits Schedule, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and other health data.
It will also look at the potential to extend similar cost recovery
arrangements to other Department of Health work.
<end quote>

As an aside, they'll happily claim $200,000 as a benefit when selling
MBS/PBS data but when it comes to recouping the cost of the My Health
record, estimated to be over $2billion, not a word. It's been live since
2012. And there isn't even a benefit predicted for the next five years.

Makes you wonder.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au
web:   www.drbrd.com
web:   www.problemsfirst.com
Blog:  www.problemsfirst.com/blog

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