[LINK] NBN tribulations

David Boxall linkdb at boxall.name
Mon May 30 15:29:12 AEST 2016

It's not always NBN's fault:
> Eppalock residents are demanding answers from local politicians and 
> NBN Co about a nearby National Broadband Network tower, which has 
> remained idle since early 2013.
> - - Eppalock was one of four sites which was built in 2013 with the 
> original plan to link them back to a site called Mt Camel.
> - Community objections were raised for the proposed nbn site at Mt 
> Camel and subsequently, the proposal went to the Victorian planning 
> tribunal (VCAT) which ruled against nbn and they lost their appeal in 
> mid-2015.
> - Therefore, nbn needed to change the design of the network in the 
> area so the four sites linked back to Bendigo South.
> - The upgrade works at Bendigo South were recently completed to cater 
> for the changes and nbn are now targeting to turn on Eppalock and the 
> three other sites at the end of June. Provided there are no unforseen 
> issues, nbn will be able to start accepting orders from the 1st July.
Given that the tower was built in 2013, it was undoubtedly part of the 
original plan, not a consequence of changing horses in mid-stream. Of 
course, the locals are only in uproar because they were left in the 
dark. That *is* NBN's fault.

David Boxall                    |  In a hierarchical organization,
                                 |  the higher the level,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  the greater the confusion.
                                 |                     --Dow's Law.

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