[LINK] opting out of the e-health record

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Thu Aug 3 14:26:20 AEST 2017

On 03/08/17 13:42, Roger Clarke wrote:

> [It's also been mentioned on occasions that a record *is* created, and 
> the opt-out can't be exercised until after it's created, and all that 
> an opt-out does is suppress additions to the record, or accesses to 
> the record (or maybe just access to the record by the individual to 
> whom it relates?! After all that's the approach used by Google and 
> Facebook, so it *must* be right).
> [I was deeply involved throughout the 'stakeholder engagement' process for the PCEHR.  It was a complete debacle, with 'professional' 'engagement officers' used to keep advocates away from the design team.  The executives were totally untrustworthy.  Even the lead clinician, who *I* thought was untrustworthy (but who other people seemed to accept as if he was one of the good guys) eventually left - because he discovered that the other execs were untrustworthy ...]
oh dear you paint a bleak picture Roger, thank you for sharing and we 
shall see what happens in due course. :(



Brenda Aynsley OAM, FACS CP, ACS Honorary Life Member
President, Professions Australia 2017-18
ACS Immediate Past President 2016 & 2017
Chair IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) 2011-17
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