[LINK] Renewing your drivers licence online

Rick Welykochy rick at vitendo.ca
Mon Jul 24 12:23:55 AEST 2017

Perhaps your browser is not supported. My SeaMonkey my Mozilla is not:




p.s. I had a look at some of their obfuscated Javascript source code, which I assume is
an attempt to subverb robots. Quite vile stuff.

Stephen Loosley wrote:
> https://areallygoodrantblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/23/how-to-renew-your-drivers-licence-online-in-new-south-wales/
> How to renew your drivers licence online in New South Wales
> The Roads And Traffic Authority (RTA) of New South Wales, Australia, has a fantastic feature to renew your drivers licence online.
> https://my.service.nsw.gov.au/MyServiceNSW/index#/rms/trans/renewLicence/login
> The Problem
> It doesn’t actually work. As soon as you hit renew via the above link and click register for an account you will be prompted to fill in a recaptcha that isn’t actually there.
> Any attempt to register will ask you to please verify that you’re not a robot despite that being impossible. This error has been happening for the past week for me. No fix in sight. Now that it’s the weekend I’ve got time to find a way to make this work.
> Am I a Robot?
> Assuming i’m not actually a robot… there must be something broken on the site. Using Chrome lets inspect and find out.
> Bingo! The website has a local copy of a script, recaptcha.js that then tries to fetch a URL hosted directly via Google. Someone at Google has moved that URL at some point in history, presumably a simple version upgrade and the RTA website has been broken ever since. Lesson to be learnt here. Be very careful using third party Javascript libraries on your site.
> Ok lets work around this
> I really can’t go into an RTA office. I’m overseas right now and I need to renew my licence.
> Google has a demo of recaptcha. https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo
> This has the above files (albeit a newer version) load successfully except they’re from a different URL. We could at this point create a webserver and host the files and hack our hosts file up, install a fake certificate auth, etc.
> But it’s easier to use a browser plugin. I ended up going with Switcheroo for Chrome. No affiliation to that plugin, i promise! It’s just the first plugin for the task at hand that came up.
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/switcheroo-redirector/cnmciclhnghalnpfhhleggldniplelbg?hl=en
> We simply replace the recaptcha.js URL that the RTA website uses with the URL that the Google uses.
> Specifically i’m replacing via the above plugin
> https://my.service.nsw.gov.au/MyServiceNSW/resource/1497728015000/snswAssets/recaptcha.js
> with
> https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/api2/r20170717162708/recaptcha__en.js
> Easy and convenient!
> The option is now there and we can register an RTA online account and proceed with renewing our drivers licence online!
> I can confirm it all works for me now and my licence is renewed.
> This should also fix any issues you have doing online car registrations. Hopefully the RTA will fix it but i wouldn’t hold your breath.
> --
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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Rick Welykochy

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