[LINK] Top-level domains

David Lochrin dlochrin at key.net.au
Fri Mar 10 11:32:54 AEDT 2017

Many Linkers are probably aware of this, but I happened to come across a list of top-level domains and was amazed to find there must be hundreds - see http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt

I know the <.sydney> TLD has been mentioned here before, but there's even <.sex> & <.dad>!!  Who carries the responsibility for administering these?  I naievely thought TLDs were only entrusted to authorities with national scope and <.gifts> would be a second-level domain at least.

The whole administrative structure seems to me to have been devalued.  Why not language-dependent TLDs, for example <.sex> and <.geschlechtsverkehr>?

David L.

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