[LINK] Australian households, businesses on NBN slam +óunreliable+ó connection

Andy Farkas andyf at andyit.com.au
Fri Mar 17 18:39:00 AEDT 2017

On 17/03/2017 17:15, JanW wrote:
> At 06:03 PM 17/03/2017, Andy Farkas you wrote:
>> Have you noticed that Jan isn't here? :)
> LOL - I'm here, just reading.

Hehe.. you're usually a bit more vocal.

> The NBN installer came yesterday and put in their gear.

A new plate in the wall?  Alongside your other HFC connection?

> Right now I'm still on the ADSL I've always had. No indication of interferences.

ADSL uses Telstra's ageing copper. HFC is a completely separate network.
Both should never have been used in a new National Broadband Network (NBN).
Now we have Malcolm's Terrible Mess (MTM).

You are lucky you can co-exist with ADSL. It's the unfortunate users who 
been shafted with FTTN that are having issues; they get cut off from ADSL
immediately, and if the FTTN doesn't work... weeks of no internet or phone.


PS. I've said it before: this is not an anti-MTM forum.. must..... 
stop...... angry.

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