[LINK] Spells Against Autonomy

JanW jwhit at internode.on.net
Thu Mar 23 18:34:31 AEDT 2017

At 06:22 PM 23/03/2017, Robert Brockway wrote:
>>* Someone waving to alert the car/driver of a pending danger;
>>* A policeman waving at a car/driver to make it stop.
>Good questions.  To be up to the task I'd say they should be at least as good as humans at recognising each of those things, and more.

Funny this issue of waving came up. I went to a movie night last night where we watched They're A Weird Mob. I'm sure many linkers know this 1966 Australian film. Waving interpretation was a thing in this story. The Italian fellow Nino swam out into a rip at Bondi, saw the lifesavers waving at him from the shore to come in, and he waves back. Well, his interpretation was of course someone being friendly. They were fuming at him after the series of red and yellow capped swimmers made their way out to him, with one of them reaching him and grabbing him to drag him back into shore. In actuality, he was a fine swimmer and was totally confused by the whole thing.

So not only is the issue about machine/human interfaces, but cross-cultural communication as well.


I write books. http://janwhitaker.com/?page_id=8

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Twitter: <https://twitter.com/JL_Whitaker>JL_Whitaker
Blog: www.janwhitaker.com 

Some psychopaths become serial killers, and other psychopaths become prosecutors. - Bob Ruff, Truth and Justice, June 2016

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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