[LINK] Multi-tech mess fleeces the nation

Andy Farkas andyf at andyit.com.au
Sat Sep 9 02:17:59 AEST 2017

On 09/09/2017 00:20, Stephen Loosley wrote:
> Multi-tech mess fleeces the nation
> By Michelle Rowland  September 8, 2017
> http://www.innovationaus.com/2017/09/Multi-tech-mess-fleeces-the-nation

Ahhh yep. Michelle has penned a truth.

Poor sods that succumbed to Malcs snakeoil salesmanship....

Sorry to say: "told ya so."

Oh wait... my kids, and their kids, and probably THEIR kids
will be living with (M)alcolm (T)urnbulls (M)ess for decades.

There IS NO upgrade path. All nodes will have to be ripped
up and scrapped. 60 thousand of them (?)

And old yanky-doodle billy-boy says there are no plans to
upgrade anything... can't afford it.

I hate Abbott/Turnbull so much for what they did....


ps. yay! they got their stupid non-binding, non-compulsary
$122mil waste of tax-payers money postal vote! A policy
win! Let's take *that* to the next election; a promise we

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