[LINK] Google's 'Plus Codes' for Locations

John Mann john at mannfamily.org
Thu Apr 5 11:25:31 AEST 2018


On 5 April 2018 at 09:07, Michael <mike at bystander.net> wrote:

> ... I wonder why a 3mx3m
> maximum granularity was selected when the benefits of finer detail would
> seem to outweigh the marginally increased complexity.

You can add extra digits for finer detail.

Extracts from

> A 10 digit code represents a 1/8000° by 1/8000° area. (At the equator,
this is approximately 13.9 meters x 13.9 meters.)
> Using a single grid refinement step, we have an 11 digit code that
represents a 1/32000° by 1/40000° area (roughly 3.4 by 2.7 meters).
>  A 12 digit code would be less than 1 square meter.

> Open Location Code Specification

> 10. Open Location Codes with lengths of more than 10 digits have
different heights and widths:
> An 11 digit code has a height of 0.000025°, and a width of 0.00003125°
> Subsequent lengths divide the height by five and the width by four.

> 13. The two standard code lengths are 10 digits (1/8000° x 1/8000°), and
11 digits (1/40000° x 1/32000°).
> Other code lengths are considered non-standard for household addressing,
although they may be used for other purposes.


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