[LINK] Forwarded: Introducing Australia Talks

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Wed Nov 13 23:02:45 AEDT 2019

From: hello at voxpoplabs.com<mailto:hello at voxpoplabs.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 November 2019 1:12 PM
Subject: Introducing Australia Talks


Hello again!

Several months ago you kindly took part in a study from Vox Pop Labs in association with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Nearly 55,000 Australians participated in what is known as the Australia Talks National Survey.

Foremost among recent developments is the launch of the Australia Talks online tool, which lets every Australian explore how their individual views compare with those of society as a whole across a broad range of issues.

To try it for yourself visit abc.net.au/australiatalks<https://abc.net.au/australiatalks>

Or to find out more about the Australia Talks project, read this ABC article that explains all the methodology and background<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-06/australia-talks-explained/11570332>.


The insights you’ve shared about yourself and other Australians have also led to the generation of dozens of stories across ABC online, radio and television on topics such as national identity, cost of living, race and racism, immigration, technology, health, education, religion, and climate change. For just a few examples, check out the following stories:

  *   The number one country Australians want to move to<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-30/australia-talks-annabel-crabb-where-we-want-to-move/11649754>
  *   The dark side of the side hustle in the gig economy<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-16/downsides-of-the-side-hustle-in-the-gig-economy/11571170>
  *   Maria drinks twice as much as her millennial son. It's a common story<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-26/australia-talks-alcohol-use-older-younger-generations/11611078>
  *   'We feel cheated': The residents of Australia's booming suburbs say they were sold a false dream<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-09/tarneit-suburb-on-melbourne-fringe-feeling-growing-pains/11537562>
  *   I'm an addict and on the dole, but it's not drugs that keep me in this nightmare<https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-27/australia-talks-tara-schultz-drugs-abuse-welfare-quarantine/11639602>

There’s more yet! On Monday 18 November at 8.30pm ABC will broadcast a live TV special exploring key findings of the Australia Talks National Survey. Tune in to see some of Australia's best-loved celebrities discussing the key issues facing Australians on national television.

The Australia Talks National Survey in which you participated in will also continue to inform content across the ABC after the live show in November.

Thanks again for taking the time to take part in this important study and we hope you’re pleased with the results!


Clifton van der Linden, PhD
Founder and CEO
Vox Pop Labs Inc.
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