[LINK] mygov terms of use

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Wed Feb 5 10:53:56 AEDT 2020

I accessed mygov over the weekend. I had to agree to the Terms of Use
(or I could not use the system)

Being an unusual sort of person, I checked them out. This is what it
said under "What we are not responsible for"

We are not responsible for:

•    making sure myGov is error free;

•    ensuring any defects with myGov will be fixed;

•    ensuring that you have continuous access to myGov;

•    any Loss as a result of your use, or your inability to use, myGov
or a connected Member Service;

•    any Loss as a result of you not accessing a myGov Inbox message;

•    any notification delivery failures to your nominated mobile number
or email address, telling you to access your myGov Inbox to read a message;

•    ensuring that the information on a Member Service website is
accurate, complete, current or does not infringe on the rights of any

•    how Member Services operate, including content of the messages they
send you through the myGov Inbox;

•    the security of your personal information while it is being
collected by, stored or passing through a Member Service system;

•    the removal or deletion of your myGov Inbox messages, noting that
Member Services are able to set an expiry date for a message, so that it
will no longer appear in your myGov Inbox after a certain date; and

•    making sure Member Services update your personal details on their


"Member Services" is code for other departments such as DHS,
Health/MyHR, ATO

What a wonderful service - all care, no responsibility. But you have no
alternative if you wish to deal with Centrelink and/or My Health Record

And they wonder why the trust in government is steadily heading south.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au

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