[LINK] .nsw.gov.au and privacy
Andy Farkas
andyf at andyit.com.au
Thu Mar 5 14:48:11 AEDT 2020
My list of blocked URLs (always adding to it):
# cat banned_urls
acl banned_urls url_regex -i ^http://sa.windows.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i 2o7.net
acl banned_urls url_regex -i addthisedge.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i adnxs.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i advertising.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i advertising.gov.au
acl banned_urls url_regex -i atdmt.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i clicktale.net
acl banned_urls url_regex -i counter.yadro.ru
acl banned_urls url_regex -i data.microsoft.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i deployads.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i doubleclick.net
acl banned_urls url_regex -i google-analytics.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i googleadservices.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i googlesyndication.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i googletagmanager.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i googletagservices.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i intellitxt.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i keywee.co
acl banned_urls url_regex -i metaservices.microsoft.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i metrics.brightcove.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i nr-data.net
acl banned_urls url_regex -i ping.chartbeat.net
acl banned_urls url_regex -i taboola.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i unrulymedia.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i websitealive.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i webtrends.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i webtrendslive.com
acl banned_urls url_regex -i yieldmanager.com
http_access deny banned_urls
Suggestions for addition welcome.
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