[LINK] Coronavirus Aus Gov msg:

jwhit at internode.on.net jwhit at internode.on.net
Sat Mar 28 12:44:21 AEDT 2020

I saw the Facebook ones and I think that's great. Of course I'm using
a browser on a laptop and clicking on a link is no big deal. At least
it's finally mass distribution. They better be doing the same on Insta
and the other platforms.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marghanita da Cruz" 
Sent:Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:50:14 +1100
Subject:Re: [LINK] Coronavirus Aus Gov msg:

 and optus - ofcourse providing a phone number instead of a website
 have been more useful in a txt message.

 but at least aus.gov.au does translate to

 Messages also now popping up on Facebook

 They popped up earlier on Youtube and http://ramin.com.au

 Wondering who is being paid and how much?


 On 28/3/20 8:54 am, Tom Worthington wrote:
 > This message popped up on my phone and also my wireless modem:
 >     "Coronavirus Aus Gov msg: To stop the spread, stay 1.5m
 > others, follow rules on social gatherings, wash hands, stay home if

 > sick. aus.gov.au" From Telstra 2020-03-25 15:43:38
 > Hopefully any further messages will be more timely.
 > I am surprised it did not mention the ban on ballet practice the PM

 > announced. ;-)
 Marghanita da Cruz
 Telephone: 0414-869202
 Email: marghanita at ramin.com.au
 Website: http://ramin.com.au

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