[LINK] Coronavirus: World leaders must urgently phase out factory farming to cut future pandemics risk, says report
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Sat Oct 10 15:38:02 AEDT 2020
> Countries’ leaders should speed up action to shift people’s diets towards more plant-based foods to reduce the risks of future
> pandemics <https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/pandemics> breaking out, according to a new report by campaigners.
> Global intensive animal farming, in which thousands of animals are kept in close proximity, causing high stress levels, is the
> perfect breeding ground for more novel viruses to emerge, says the white paper
> <https://blog.humanesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Animal-agriculture-viral-disease-and-pandemics-FINAL-4.pdf> by Humane
> Society International.
> The document identifies five key “pandemic risks” created by factory farming <https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/factory-farming>
> that it says create a “petri dish” for pathogens to erupt, mutate and spread:
> * confining vast numbers of stressed animals indoors creates novel viral strains because their immune systems are weakened so
> they succumb to viruses easily
> * expanding farms into previously wild areas brings wild and domestic species together, allowing diseases to jump
> * concentrating animal farms in an area increases the risk of pathogens spreading
> * the global live animal trade, in which huge numbers of live animals are transported globally, allows viruses to travel
> * agricultural fairs and auctions and live animal markets where the public get close to species from different places, let
> viruses proliferate.
> UN experts have previously said that industrial animal farming has caused most new infectious diseases in humans in the past
> decade – and risks starting new pandemics.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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