[LINK] Exposing on-line trolls

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Tue Dec 7 17:03:41 AEDT 2021

Re the Federal Government's proposed new rules to expose online trolls

Have I got this right? The Federal Government wants to force social 
media sites to identify all their users so that someone who abuses 
others on-line can be identified and potentially taken to court.

Is giving a social media site lots of identifying data a good idea? Many 
people already give quite a lot away, but to force everyone to be 
positively identified to the social media sites seems to be a very bad 
thing to do.

Social media sites must be quietly rubbing their hands with glee - all 
that high-quality personal data they can quietly sift through.

Or am I just being paranoid?



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au

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