[LINK] Daryl Maguire told Gladys Berejiklian to use WeChat

Roger Clarke Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Thu Nov 4 08:40:11 AEDT 2021

> On 3/11/21 9:25 am, Roger Clarke wrote:
>> ... But the PRC is less likely to provide information from
>> conversations to NSW ICAC, NSW Police, AFP, etc. than the others are. ...

On 4/11/21 8:03 am, Tom Worthington wrote:
> That is a charitable view. Another is that if you encourage a government
> official to use a communications service you know to be penetrated by a
> foreign government, you are acting as an agent of that government and
> committing treason.

As I understand the legal concepts of principal and agent, you aren't
thereby acting as an agent of that government;  and as I understand the
law of treason, such an act wouldn't constitute treason.

And precisely which goods and services do you encourage be used?

And what evidence is there that those goods and services have not been
penetrated by a foreign government, including of course the US government?

Roger Clarke                            mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
T: +61 2 6288 6916   http://www.xamax.com.au  http://www.rogerclarke.com

Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd      78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA

Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law            University of N.S.W.
Visiting Professor in Computer Science    Australian National University

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