[LINK] World Re-Housing
Nic English
nik.english at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 21:10:22 AEDT 2021
Really Sorry to see you’ve had this really poorly considered idea, Stephen, again!! Was this the slide that was left out of the ‘Australian Way’ ppt
- that land is occupied already but we know how that works, ask any number of peoples
- there is a reason that 5/8s of Chinas population, like us, live on the coastal margin. ahhh what might that be… ? oh wait there are vast tracts of ‘unpopulated’ land inland
- they might prefer Tasmania?
- why don’t you in your magnificence offer the Amazon basin, the hunter valley, South Australia above the Goyder line, …
- ahh rent? Here’s 2 TVs, some dodgy phones and a rice cooker that’ll about cover us for 99 years. Isn’t that what the British paid for HK after adjusting for inflation (of egos)?
The changes that will ultimately be demanded of us all will need much better ideas than this and it’s not about giving away what’s not yours to give.
Now where my PowerPoint …
Nicholas English
Sent from A phone |-)
There will always be a market for tin foil hats while we have electricity ... do we have electricity?!
> On 4 Nov 2021, at 8:27 pm, Stephen Loosley <StephenLoosley at outlook.com> wrote:
> For environmental reasons, we’re going to need world re-housing.
> Best if someone offers such folk a country where they can re-group.
> Maybe re-housing holdings, with on-going one hundred year leases.
> If Hong Kong can be rented out by the century, we can rent most of
> Northern Australia to any folk/group whom need a safe place to live.
> Everyone benefits, mostly original owners whom now own the land.
> And a warm invitation to move-in could include maybe half of China.
> And no dramas. At ease. Everybody‘s safe, rational, healthy & happy.
> --
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