[LINK] The Government's Climate Change plan
dlochrin at aussiebb.com.au
Thu Nov 4 22:18:41 AEDT 2021
On 2021-10-27 23:30, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
> It's been said by others, but as a plan, there's just too much left unsaid. It's a marketing pitch, not a plan. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the rest of the world.
Or as the French Ambassador remarked in his recent address to the Press Club:
see https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-03/french-ambassador-jean-pierre-thebault-submarines/100590382
> "It is so very remarkable in this context that since March 2020, this Australian government has never consulted with us, at any level, at any time, about a possible nuclear-powered option or the merits of nuclear propulsion," he said. [DL: And these subs were being converted from nuclear, as originally designed, to diesel...!! Words fail me.]
> "Was there a hurry to jump into what is widely acknowledged is the total unknown, with so much spin, spectacular marketing, but no concrete answers?
> "Maybe, as mentioned by [a] prominent and knowledgeable Australian specialist, there were then elections looming."
I fervently hope the Australian Electorate remembers this disgraceful and embarrassing episode when the next election is called. We vote for is what we get.
David Lochrin
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