[LINK] ‘Luxury carbon consumption’ of top 1% threatens 1.5C global heating limit

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Nov 7 11:03:36 AEDT 2021


> Richest 1% will account for 16% of total emissions by 2030, while poorest 50% will release one tonne of CO2 a year
> Phoebe Weston
> @phoeb0
> Fri 5 Nov 2021 23.09 AEDT
> The carbon dioxide emissions of the richest 1% of humanity are on track to be 30 times greater than what is compatible with 
> keeping global heating below 1.5C, new research warns, as scientists urge governments to “constrain luxury carbon consumption” of 
> private jets, megayachts and space travel.
> In keeping with the Paris climate goals, every person on Earth needs to reduce their CO2 emissions to an average of 2.3 tonnes by 
> 2030, about half the average of today.
> The richest 1% – which is a population smaller than Germany – are on track to be releasing 70 tonnes of CO2 per person a year if 
> current consumption continues, according to the study. In total they will account for 16% of total emissions by 2030, up from 13% 
> of emissions in 1990. Meanwhile, the poorest 50% will be releasing an average of one tonne of CO2 annually.
> “A tiny elite appear to have a free pass to pollute,” said Nafkote Dabi, climate policy lead at Oxfam, which commissioned the 
> study by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). “Their oversized 
> emissions are fuelling extreme weather around the world and jeopardising the international goal of limiting global heating,” she said.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
+61 404072753
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