[LINK] NSW Chief Data Scientist Presentation

Roger Clarke Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Mon Nov 15 11:05:52 AEDT 2021

NSW Chief Data Scientist (and outgoing ACS President), Ian Oppermann,
was the invited speaker at the Max Burnet / ACS Foundation lunch on
12 November:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X44rEqiEzpQ

His focus was on 2030 and beyond, and the impacts of IT and associated

He included several good, brisk summaries of the challenges that will be
(well, actually already are) posed by drones, by 'artificially
intelligent autonomous devices', and by humanoid voice-interfaces
(Alexa, Siri) and image/video-avatars (Shudu, Lil Miquela) (slides 6-8).

Ian mentioned strategic thinking by 6G research programs and the NSW
government, showed evidence of NSW Govt awareness of data sensitivities,
and used a Business-School-conventional 2x2 matrix of governance models.

He even acknowledged that existing data protection law is PIFflingly
inadequate in even the current context of data capture, expropriation
and analysis (slide 22).

But there was nothing at all about legal, organisational and
technological protections against contemporary abuses of advanced data,
comms and surveillance technologies, nor about a parallel plan to
progressively upgrade protections in parallel with developments.

Slide-screenshots at:


Roger Clarke                            mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
T: +61 2 6288 6916   http://www.xamax.com.au  http://www.rogerclarke.com

Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd      78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA

Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law            University of N.S.W.
Visiting Professor in Computer Science    Australian National University

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