[LINK] Should Australia consider nuclear electricity?

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Thu Nov 25 14:54:10 AEDT 2021

David writes, in part ..

> I'm sure we agree on the general question of nuclear power.

Yes and it appears, so does Link. Our issues aren’t in dispute gentlemen.

It’s my fault we’ve had any disagreement at all. My apologies. Karl, you are
responding to the email heading (thanks fella) and David, you’re responding
to the email content (also thanks fella). So everyone’s right, imho (thanks all).

And in sum, the email engendered some excellent discussion. (Well done us!)

Let’s hope our current pathetic government is soon turfed out, and Link again
can examine truly contentious ideas, important though the issues so truly are.

However in saying this, we’ve also well enjoyed passages of suburb literature 😊

> I think we're discussing different aspects of the issue. (The) original email
> reported a study which claimed nuclear power presented a lower greenhouse
> footprint than the usual "green" sources of energy over its lifetime.  (Stephen
> what's your own view?) Karl's response was primarily concerned with the long
> term risks associated with nuclear fuel .. My response was more concerned with
> the way a supposedly educated population can be led by the nose to acceptance
> of a policy which doesn't bear close scrutiny for the reasons I listed.  In this case,
> those proselytising nuclear power will no doubt wave the report around ("UN
> crowns nuclear as lowest carbon electricity source") as though it's the
> beginning and end of the matter.



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